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Both of you have the emotional habits of worry, anxiety, and over-concern about loved ones or life in general. You are both caring and supportive, but you express this in different ways. Cancer is more emotional, compassionate and tender, and appears more sympathetic than Virgo, who wants to help but may seem unemotional and critical at the same time. Virgo's support is often shown by doing something practical, taking care of something concrete and tangible (running errands, doing the shopping, take care of business, etc.) while Cancer empathizes with others' feelings and personal experiences far more easily.

Virgo is fastidious and particular about food, health, and personal habits, and can be very fussy about order, tidiness, cleanliness, proper behavior, etc., which makes Virgo difficult to live with sometimes. Irritability over others' inefficiency, lack of punctuality, or sloppiness is also a habit of Virgo's. Virgo's perfectionism is also turned inward as well, so that Virgo may feel inadequate or that accomplishments are "never enough". Learning self-acceptance, self-love, and relaxation are important for Virgo's well-being, and Cancer can contribute significantly to this because Cancer is more accepting and non-judgmental than Virgo is. Cancer, on the other hand, has a lot of emotional ups and downs and appreciates Virgo's quiet devotion and faithfulness.

上一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮狮子的星座配对   下一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮天秤的星座配对

