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Scorpio and Pisces make one of the best love matches in the zodiac. These two water signs transcend the physical world to intuit one another, telepathically communicate and make decisions based on mutual vibes. Pisces brings out Scorpio’s tender side…but if love hits the skids, this pairing can bring out the ruthlessness in each.


Both Scorpio and Pisces seek mates who appeal to their deeply, sensitive and emotive natures. In this love pairing, they find that in the realm of emotion, they are equally matched and will enjoy approaching the world and life decisions through the barometer of the affect.

Scorpio likes strong mates, and while the cliche is that Pisces is weak, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Scorpios don’t make the mistake of viewing Pisces sensitivity as weakness.

Scorpio likes to be dominant and wield power; Pisces doesn’t recognize power as a currency to bicker over – so they can mesh well. Plus, Pisces tends to surrender and be long suffering, whether because of secret pleasure or simply innate pull toward self-destructive and self-sacrifice.

Pisces likes to lose self to the lover and the relationship, merging so that lines of individuality are skewed. Scorpio likes this extremity initially, but may grow wary of Pisces’ loss of identity. Individuality is very important to Scorpio.


Pisces’ tendency to retreat from the relationship in times of trauma or struggle will not sit well with Scorpio who prefers confrontation. Pisces’ sensitive constitution can not endure confrontation and can even feel ill because of it. When threatened or jealous, Scorpio becomes very aggressive. That coupled with Pisces’ self-sacrifice and tendency to be a victim can erupt in dangerous clashes — and maybe even extreme violence. Self-inflicted violence is also possible.

The mind of Pisces is unique in that it doesn’t focus on details or methodical reasoning; they arrive at big-picture conclusions and express their thoughts in ways that may not be clear to Scorpio. In fact, their views might sound, on the surface, downright contradictory and illogical. Scorpio prefers analyzing every detail and every thought; this will clash with the way Pisces naturally operates.

Also, whether in day to day routine or when planning for the future, Pisces likes to “go with the flow,” whereasScorpio must be in control of everything and will not like relying on whim or circumstance. In the best pairing, Pisces may be able to persuade Scorpio to let go and give in to the spontaneous rhythm of the Universe.

Since both Scorpio and Pisces are so keen to give in to their emotions, there is a danger that this relationship can feed mutual depression and so much introspection that they drown in their feelings and seclude themselves from the real and outside world.

Pisces seems gentle but has a cunning that is greatly underestimated. If love shifts and Pisces and Scorpio become enemies, Pisces is every bit as capable of being as ruthless and manipulative as Scorpio — perhaps even better as their psychic sensibilities may allow them to sense Scorpio’s next move.

Pisces can also be extremely emotionally manipulative, pretending to be in pain or embroiled in some other sob-story drama in order to get attention. Scorpios will have little patience for this. They despise neediness and prefer to give attention to those who are bold rather than feeble.


Physical intimacy between Pisces and Scorpio can be quite harmonious and beautiful. It may not be as rough asScorpio desires, but it will definitely be sincere, deep, and all-consuming. Pisces wants a soul connection, and enjoys peering into Scorpio’s soul while in the act — since Scorpio orbs are so revealing. Scorpio, even if a woman, may have to take the lead in the bedroom. Pisces’ ego may need reassurance if there are any sexual complications.


This union of Scorpio and Pisces can lead to the highest bliss possible if Scorpio continues to fit Pisces’ grand illusions of what a great love should be. If not, Pisces might slip out of Scorpio’s fingers. Scorpio likes to possess Pisces as as concrete certainty, but Pisces can’t be possessed and is anything but concrete. So, this pairing can end either way. If Pisces and Scorpio choose to love each other, it will be a great love.

上一篇:天蝎和狮子的星座配对:双倍的戏剧性和激情   下一篇:天蝎和双子的星座配对:很难处理和保持的关系

