
星籁星盘(www.xinglai.com)原创 转载请注明出处


Both of you are easily bored, and quickly become restless if there is no movement or change in your lives. You enjoy action, and may find yourselves constantly busy and on the move. You're likely to begin projects and then drop them during slow, difficult, or "dry" periods, and you may follow the same pattern in close relationships.

Neither of you is very comfortable with emotional dependency and needs, and would feel stifled by a clinging partner who doesn't understand your need to go off and "do you own thing" sometimes.

Basically, you are quite compatible, but Aries is very direct and cannot tolerate emotional dishonesty or pretense, while Gemini clowns around, plays with words, and is frequently not serious or sincere when speaking about personal desires or feelings. Aries wants a clear signal, but Gemini isn't always aware of this, and simply can't be pinned down sometimes.

上一篇:月亮金牛和月亮双鱼的星座配对   下一篇:月亮双子和月亮金牛的星座配对

