
星籁星盘(www.xinglai.com)原创 转载请注明出处


You are attracted to one another's wit, humor, playful intelligence, and mental agility. You share an eager curiosity about everything and a restlessness with staid people or situations. You both need a lot of mental stimulation and you thrive on talking and interacting with a wide spectrum of people.

Both of you respond logically or intellectually to situations, and you may ignore or simply be unaware of your own (or others') feelings. For instance, when asked "how do you feel about it", you are likely to say "I think . . .", rather than responding with a feeling. You like to keep your interactions "light" because you are very uncomfortable with emotional displays, tears, or complex emotional dilemmas for which there are no logical solutions.

Your emotional detachment and tendency to make light of things that, for other people, are heavily charged with emotion can be very frustrating to some people. They may feel you are superficial or that you don't care enough. But the two of you are quite similar and you have a rapport that enables you to understand one another's humor and style.

上一篇:月亮双子和月亮金牛的星座配对   下一篇:月亮双子和月亮巨蟹的星座配对

