
星籁星盘(www.xinglai.com)原创 转载请注明出处


Your emotional natures are so essentially different that you have great difficulty appreciating or understanding one another at times. Scorpio is very passionate emotionally and feels everything very deeply. Scorpio has strong emotional reactions to everything, intense loves and hates, and doesn't have Gemini's ability to be detached, reasonable, and rational in personal situations. Gemini can be as cool as a cucumber, light and breezy about situations that, for Scorpio, are very real and serious and heavily charged with emotion, and it may seem to Scorpio that Gemini doesn't care, doesn't feel, or doesn't empathize at all sometimes.

Gemini often feels threatened or uncomfortable with emotions, and uses humor, cool reasoning, or simple avoidance as a way to deflect some of Scorpio's intensity.

Another issue between you is that Gemini enjoys people, enjoys socializing, needs variety and novelty and mental stimulation, while Scorpio is very private and downright unsociable at times. Gemini needs to feel free to move about, and Scorpio tends to be possessive and is often resentful or jealous of Gemini's other interests and relationships.

Also, Scorpio can be very demanding, as Scorpio has a powerful need and capacity for deep sharing, intimacy, and closeness, and may want more than Gemini is capable of giving on that level.

上一篇:月亮双子和月亮天秤的星座配对   下一篇:月亮双子和月亮射手的星座配对

