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Scorpio Ike Turner, famed musician and ex-husband of Sagittarius rocker Tina Turner, gave the Sagittarius – Scorpio love match a bad name. Yet, his rabid desire to control and possess the wild Sag typifies the downfall of manyScorpio/Sagittarius relationships. The Sag is wild at heart and must be free to gallivant, yet the fire of Sagittarius so enflames Scorpio that the Stinger wants to maintain it all for self. This could end badly, but it doesn’t have to.


The Sagittarius astrological sign is known for its bluntness. Natives of this sun sign are harshly honest. While this could upset many signs, it attracts the Scorpio lover. Scorpios hate fakery, flattery, contrivances and other attempts at hiding behind facades. So, the stripped-down truth according to Sag is not only welcomed by Scorpio, but celebrated.

Sags are also full of mirth and optimism, offering a counterpoint to the depressive emotions often suffered by the Scorpio lover.

While Sags have gusto and can be initiators and trailblazers, they are also malleable and don’t mind compromising with Scorpio, who likes to be in charge and set the pace of the relationship.

While both Scorpio and Sagittarius are incredibly brainy and bond over philosophical ideas and ideals, Scorpio’s energies thrive in the realm of the mind while Sagittarius masters the realm of experience. Sag lovers take Scorpios out of their heads and into the world at large so they can experience life up close, take risks, and live in the face of the wind. Scorpio will find all this intoxicating and exciting.


Sagittarius people, wise though they are, can have a silly, joker side. Scorpios aren’t known for humor and may find the Sag brand to be bawdy and sophomoric.

That problem can be tolerated. What may really doom this Sagittarius – Scorpio love match is the fact that Sagittarius is really meant to be a tourist through life. They are perpetually roving creatures made to explore the globe and indulge in a variety of people, from all walks of life. They will need more distance and freedom than most Scorpio lovers can permit. A Scorpio in love is jealous and wants to mark the lover as theirs — and theirs alone. In the end, Sag will be simply too elusive and the need to constantly chase, hold and chase again will send Scorpiointo a frenzy that can bring out the worst in both.


Fire signs and water signs mix well in bed. So, just as the sex between Scorpio and Leo was smoldering, so too is the intermingling of the Sagittarius and Scorpio. Sagittarius people are natural athletes who possess strength, stamina and rhythm in bed. Both Scorpio and Sagittarius possess strong primal natures; the bedroom is a wilderness for that primality to be explored. Lovemaking could go on for hours, with Sagittarius encouraging Scorpio to be as free and exhibitionist as possible. Sagittarius lovers do not hold back and Scorpio will finally have a lover that pushes to the edge and over it! Scorpio will explore all the carnal energies with Sagittarius — and the passion will be so great that the Scorpio lover may not even notice the exchange lacked an emotional journey. Scorpio’s emotions will be stimulated enough for the both of them.


If Sagittarius is in the mood to settle down in this Scorpio love match, Scorpio will find this mate to be intellectually and sexually satisfying. Scorpio’s world will be enlarged with Sag as a lifelong partner, but Sagittarius may findScorpio’s obsessive and intense style of bonding ample but not varied enough to warrant monogamous union. If the Sag, however, has strong Capricorn energy, marriage is possible. If Scorpio tries to make Sagittarius stay or commit, this relationship could be doomed. The best way for a Scorpio lover to snag their beloved Sagittarius for life is to constantly grow and change so much so that they regularly offer Sag so many new experiences that Sag won’t have to roam. Since Scorpio IS the master of transformation, this plan could work.

上一篇:天蝎和摩羯的星座配对:共同的爱   下一篇:天蝎和狮子的星座配对:双倍的戏剧性和激情

