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These two likely recognized each other’s Plutonic energy across the room. When they met, they connected INSTANTLY. Like attracts like, in this case. But are they so much alike that they seem … like brother and sister instead of passionate lovers?


Finally, in this quasi-incestuous Scorpio-Scorpio love match, Scorpio finds someone who loves as chaotically and deeply as they do. They finally feel … at home… as if they have found a kindred spirit. They will instantly become close and may even mirror each other’s behaviors. Scorpios get one another’s foibles and admire the personality traits others would shred them for.

Scorpios, who are suspicious of everyone, will innately trust each other — and for good cause, because they will respect that the have met their natural match and abandon their typical games. After all, those games that some consider devious techniques of testing and manipulation won’t work here. Checkmate.


Scorpios like to do the probing, but hate being probed. It will feel tedious to have all your usual actions boomerang back to haunt you. As misunderstood as Scorpios feel with other signs, they like the titillation of being in a relationship with different energy provided by those elsewhere in the Zodiac; it’s exciting and presents the mystery of the unknown. Two Scorpios will vie for the same role in a relationship: they both will want to dominate, be right, and are often too proud to compromise. When there’s a fight, they both might go insular and retreat into loner territory, waiting to see who gives in first.


Success here depends on whether the bedrock of the bond is erotic or familial love. If the former, this will be one of the most spell-binding sexual pairings either has ever had — not because of orgasm… but because they will be so attuned emotionally and spiritually while in the intimate act. They will be able to expose their deepest levels of nakedness with one another — going way beyond the nude bodies to reveal unguarded souls. If there is a sibling-like love, romance may be attempted but will ultimately fail and feel… off.


Rest assured that you have created a two-person coven. There is deep comfort here that is beautiful and rare. You have shared secrets, probed each other deeply, emoted together and nearly sent each other over the edge to insanity or perhaps even violence. And yet you still love each other (even if you aren’t on speaking terms). This may be too volatile and even monotonous to yield a viable romance for some Scorpios. Other Scorpios, like apparently Nick Lachey and Vanessa Manillo, who were born on the same date, will find this eerie sense of kinship too fulfilling to pass up. For mature Scorpios who don’t need stimuli from other signs, this could be lasting.

上一篇:天蝎和天秤的星座配对:力量与妥协   下一篇:天蝎和金牛的星座配对:荣耀之爱

