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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Leo: This is the case of "opposites attract". Because Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs of the zodiac, you can be intrigued with one another, and really quite frustrated as well! In astrology, opposite signs can actually be easier to deal with than side-by-side signs because they work under a similar overall vibration. You, with your Venus in Aquarius, are most concerned with the greater group process, while Leo places great emphasis on personal and creative expression of the self. You express your feelings of love in a detached manner, and this can certainly frustrate your partner. Your partner has a fight or flight reaction—either he or she sees this as a challenge or runs in the opposite direction! You are largely objective, while your partner is subjective. Both of you like to be special and "different", but your partner wants to be special, where "special" means "the best" in a lover's eyes. You want to be valued for your uniqueness in terms of the group. Your partner is personal, involved, and intense in his or her romantic dealings; you are more impersonal and rather detached, able to see the bigger picture. So why, pray tell, do people say opposites attract? Because opposite signs fascinate each other. Each of you expresses a different loving style that holds some answers to what you may be overdoing in your own life. The promise of balance is there, somewhere, and both you and your partner may sense this "shadow" personality in the other.

上一篇:金星水瓶和金星巨蟹的星座配对   下一篇:金星水瓶和金星处女的星座配对

