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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Scorpio: This is one of the more challenging combinations! With love, of course, it can work, but acceptance and understanding are especially vital. You are likely to be intrigued with your partner's love nature. It's intense and personal, and very passionate. While you are able to take a step back from many emotional issues in your partnership, if only to gain perspective and understanding, your partner has the hardest time doing just that. This can be complementary at times, but can also be intensely frustrating. It may not be very easy for your partner to "get" why you are capable of detaching yourself, and he or she may find it threatening to the basic love bond between you. You may be quite baffled by your partner's passionate reactions to you, as you tend to feel that getting too emotionally tangled up in problems is counterproductive. You value objectivity and pride yourself on your ability to reason things through. You may be inclined to react to your partner's more emotionally intense moments by giving him or her space. This is likely to frustrate your partner more, as he or she interprets your "stepping aside" as walking away—or, even worse, lack of concern for your relationship. This relationship can be rather tempestuous at times, but exciting nevertheless. At the very least, you will admire each other's strength of character.

上一篇:金星水瓶和金星天秤的星座配对   下一篇:金星水瓶和金星射手的星座配对

