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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Sagittarius: Your love natures and needs are quite different, which can set you up for both challenges and growth opportunities. Your partner throws him or herself whole-heartedly into the love of the moment, without much interest in long-term relationship planning. You, on the contrary, are considerably more cautious about starting a relationship, but once you make a commitment, it is a lasting and serious one. The potential clash here is the direction of the partnership. You want to garner some sort of security from plans for your relationship, while your partner is hell-bent on "winging it". Your partner attracts others with a friendly, optimistic personality, and you exude a certain quiet, cautious charm when it comes to love. Chances are that your partner is the more outgoing of the two—not necessarily in a general personality sense, but in terms of the kindling of your romantic relationship. Your Venus in Sagittarius lover's spiritedness was likely a big turn-on for you, at least at the outset. As things move forward, however, you might, if you are not careful, tend to pick at that very optimism, perhaps due to your own fears of being insecure in partnership. Your partner might complain that you take things too seriously, and wish for more "oomph" and adventurousness. Nevertheless, with understanding, you have much to offer each other. Allow your partner to loosen you up, as he or she offers a freshness and encouragement that is hard to find elsewhere, while you can most certainly help your partner to see the value of planning ahead and treating others with respect and concern.

上一篇:金星摩羯和金星天蝎的星座配对   下一篇:金星摩羯和金星摩羯的星座配对

