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Though both are highly sensitive and romantic, Venus in Pisces and Mars in Libra may need to put time and effort into making a romantic relationship pay off. Their connection, which is not a natural one, can best be achieved if they are able to adjust to each other and persist beyond an initial period of possible irritation. This water and air union can be successful and bring growth and maturity to each partner, just as long as they’re both willing to work to connect.
Venus in Pisces brings an open heart and plenty of spiritual juice to any relationship she enters. Though she may be a bit on the wacky side – wanting to attune her chakras to yours during sex – for the most part she is sweetly harmless, desiring only to “commune at a soul level” with her beloved. Venus in the sign of the fish also has a good sense of the absurd in love, appreciating flights of fancy and avoiding realism whenever necessary.
Mars in Libra loves to be in love and has a keen instinct for romance. Fearful of “rocking the boat,” this Mars may hold off on going after his beloved directly, preferring instead to test the waters before he takes action. As the “lover boy” of the zodiac, Mars in Libra may sometimes promise more than he can deliver, wanting to be all things to all people. Finding a sense of internal balance helps this Mars keep his integrity.
The connection between Venus in Pisces and Mars in Libra may take time to develop, since both are somewhat hesitant to take the first step. Venus in Pisces may not at first know how to respond to Mars in Libra’s easy air sign charm, finding him possibly shallow and lightweight. Mars in Libra, in turn, could perceive Venus in Pisces’ watery intuition as flakiness, and not know how to approach her. If this couple wants to make things work, they will take the time to really get to know each other, diving deeper beneath the surface for a second look.