
星籁星盘(www.xinglai.com)原创 转载请注明出处


A sympathetic rapport exists between you which enables you to understand one another's feelings, needs, insecurities, and inner life very well.

Both of you have a deep need for nurturing relationships, for a sense of family and belonging, and a strong home base. You become very dependent on loved ones for a sense of security and you sometimes smother the people you care about. You have a very strong desire to mother or be mothered by your mate.

Because you are so sensitive, moody, and easily hurt, some people find you difficult to live with, but you find one another quite understanding.

A few problems may arise however. One is that you may reinforce one another's dependencies and weaknesses by babying one another too much, or by clinging to one another when one or both of you really needs to branch out in order to grow. Also, what happens when both of you are feeling vulnerable and needy and want to be babied at the same time? Who will do the parenting? At such times you may both act very childish, like "spoiled brats" in fact! However, because you have similar emotional needs, you feel very much "at home" and comfortable with each other, and that helps any relationship.

上一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮双子的星座配对   下一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮狮子的星座配对

