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The two of you will need to recognize and accept one another's different styles and needs in order to avoid numerous misunderstandings.

Cancer is very sensitive and moody, and needs a lot of tenderness, support and understanding at times. Easily hurt, Cancer is very prone to feeling left out or unloved. Cancer holds onto the past; to memories, to people, and to anything of sentimental value.

While Cancer responds very personally and emotionally to everything, Gemini responds intellectually or logically. Instead of tea and sympathy, Cancer is more likely to get a playful and witty comment, an insightful jest, or a reasonable discussion with very little emotional content from Gemini.

Put simply, Gemini is uncomfortable with Cancer's emotionality, and may feel overwhelmed or smothered by Cancer's emotional needs or solicitous concern.

Gemini seems too "light", detached and cool to Cancer at times. It may appear that Gemini doesn't care very deeply. This may not be the case at all, but Gemini is often unaware of feelings, including personal ones.

Neither is Gemini an especially sentimental creature. Dates that are special to Cancer (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.) aren't as significant to Gemini as they are to Cancer. Gemini is very flexible and adaptable, however, and can learn to remember how important "the little things" are to Cancer.

Another difference between you is that Cancer is very domestic, loves the familiar, and is quite a homebody, while Gemini is just the opposite. Gemini gets bored without a lot of interaction with others and mental stimulation. Gemini's restlessness can make Cancer feel insecure at times, but Cancer should definitely resist the tendency to cling so tightly that Gemini feels smothered.

上一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮金牛的星座配对   下一篇:月亮巨蟹和月亮巨蟹的星座配对

