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A person with the explosive planet of Pluto in the house of relationships rarely has smooth interactions with people, whether in love relationships, business partnerships or friendships. They may not realize it, however, and always perceive the OTHER person as the difficult one.

Pluto is transformative and only transforms through the power of destruction and resurrection…..constantly. So, anyone in an intimate bond with those born with Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, in their 7th house, had better be strong, feisty and persevering — because they will get torn down…. often!

8 Traits of People with Pluto in the 7th House

1. Pluto-in-7th House people carry bombs — innately embedded in their personality.

At any time, these bombs may go OFF. People with Pluto in the relationship house will engage in conversations, debates and activities that degenerate into highly-unnerving, exhausting and often accusatory battles.

Consider it a strip search — a soul strip search. These people only rip into you when they can expose your guts and rip your secrets shames out into the open. They may admit no such shames themselves, instead projecting their weaknesses onto you.

They don’t want you to lie on the ground, bleeding and wounded. Instead, they really want to repair you … rebuild you in their image (which is the most intimate kind of intrusion). Someone without a strong identity may be driven to psychosis or panic entangled in such a relationship.

Don’t expect any apologies after the dust of a Pluto bomb explosion goes off … even if it derailed a nice dinner or a fun party. Instead … expect #2—

2. They get turned on and want to be sensually intimate after destructive battles

After a Pluto in the 7th person engages in a collision with you, you might want to call them a four-letter word but don’t be surprised if they call you “sweetheart,” “darling” or “love” and try to get you between the sheets. Arguing is like an aphrodisiac to these people. (The Scorpio sun sign shares this trait).

3. They are attracted to Scorpios for partnerships

Whether by conscious choice or by fate, people with Pluto in their relationship house often end up in bonds with Scorpios. It could be because when they are one-on-one with people, Scorpios recognize their Plutonic energy and are drawn to it. Another theory is that because Pluto people by default have difficult and dramatic relationships, this itself lures Scorpios who detests calm relationships as shallow and boring.

Either way, the bringing together of Scorpios with people who have Pluto in the 7th house is wonderful. Scorpio is a potent personality; a 7th house Pluto will run over a weaker persona.

4. They are magnetic.

Pluto not only has the force of an atomic bomb, but also possesses the power of a magnetic force field. We’re talking not just any force field… think as powerful as the Black Hole.

People with Pluto in their 7th house pull you to them so forcefully with their charisma that you can lose yourself. They forge a bond that is hard to escape. These people plant roots in your psyche. You find them hard to avoid. One of you will become obsessed with the other! After it’s all over… there will be a soul tie that lingers forever.

5. They are controlling

When you’re in a one-on-one relationship with a Pluto in the 7th house person, be prepared for power plays and constant jostling to see just who has the upper hand. This relationship is no place for the helpless and naive — you will be puppeted.

6. They are constantly leaving relationships – or getting left.

Unfortunately, the fiery explosiveness of a Pluto in 7th personality eventually burns the relationship to the ground. Either the Pluto person leaves or mates will leave them. This excess Pluto energy in relationships over time will be too stressful for people to stay. These Plutonic people may find themselves constantly trying to restart bonds or searching the world for somebody new.

7. They are well meaning and really don’t want to cause strife.

Those with Pluto haunting their 7th house really want close intimate relationships. They are typically aggrieved that frustrations and friction always drive their lovers away. They may burn bridges constantly at work and in their personal lives. They don’t understand why …because in their heart of hearts they are just being themselves (which is naturally contrary).

Pluto is not a sweet, comfy harmonious planet, and harmony is generally what one craves in a relationship house. Thus, Pluto in this location is simply hard to make work.

8. They are more powerful and dominant than Scorpios

Yes, Scorpio people are ruled by Pluto, but today we are talking about people using Pluto directly as a tool of relating. That is major. And the force is way more intense and potent than a Scorpio sun. Are they as emotional and loving as Scorpio? Of course not. And while these Plutonic people love sex, they primarily use sex for power and control, whereas Scorpio uses it for bonding and falling more deeply in love.

Scorpios with Pluto in the 7th house are a different breed, of course. They understand Pluto and can rein it in. Pluto is so integrated into their personality that they can wield it without being as damaging or overbearing.

上一篇:冥王星一宫:另一种天蝎座   下一篇:金星说明你的爱情和你会被谁吸引

