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How You Relate to a Partner who also has Venus in Aquarius: No matter how different your personalities are, you share similar ideas and styles when it comes to relationships. Both of you value a partnership in which there is mental and social interaction. You are not impressed with relationships that are overly traditional or restrictive. As such, you are likely to give each other quite a bit of freedom. Whenever two people with the same Venus signs come together, the strengths lie in seeing eye to eye, and weaknesses stem from a lack of balance. In the case of Aquarius, intimacy may be wanting, as both of you are naturally inclined to live partnerships in the world of intellect. In the absence of a partner who works on creating emotional bonding and intimacy, you two may re-define partnership altogether. This could suit both of you just fine. Your union could be markedly free and different, perhaps considered unusual by some from the outside looking in. As both of you can be rather stubborn in love, there can be an imbalance. Even though you are both inclined to give the other freedom of movement and expression, neither of you is especially adaptable in terms of habits and mindsets. Although you are creative individuals, your interactions may eventually lack spunk or seem a little dry. As long as you both work on the intimate side of partnership, you will find that your relationship is progressive and exciting—and decidedly unique!

上一篇:金星水瓶和金星摩羯的星座配对   下一篇:金星水瓶和金星双鱼的星座配对

