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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Pisces: This is an unusual combination. You might find that you both share a universal love of mankind, and that you are both very idealistic people. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to "pick". At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as he or she is certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. He or she will gladly go along with your wonderful visions and ideals, but your partner looks for a connection that runs very deep. Although he or she will happily engage in conversation, and thoroughly enjoys your enthusiasm and your visions, your partner values tender intimacy more than intellectual debate. You might find your partner a tad too sensitive. If you are receptive, your partner is more likely than most to be able to infuse your creative, inventive mind with just enough emotion, inspiration, and imagination to really take you places. You can help your partner tap into his or her own creative wells and do something real with what is pulled out. The two of you can make a very productive pair as long as you can effectively combine the worlds of thought and feelings. Neither of you wants to waste time arguing about petty things, and both of you want to see the best in each other. These attitudes will help smooth your relationship.

上一篇:金星水瓶和金星水瓶的星座配对   下一篇:金星双鱼和金星白羊的星座配对

