
星籁星盘(www.xinglai.com)原创 转载请注明出处


Beauty meets practicality when Venus in Libra and Mars in Capricorn form a bond. Though they can rub each other the wrong way, there is also the potential for sparks to fly. The differences between Libra and Capricorn create a sexy friction that can keep them both intrigued and interested enough to push through any rough patches that arise.

Venus in Libra has old-fashioned tastes in love, preferring to be wooed in a courtly manner, with all the proper romantic accoutrements: flowers, poetry, and so on. She has the incredible power to transform the ordinary into something beautiful and special, and can make just about any party or gathering more enjoyable just by gracing it with her presence. Her refined nature thrives on delicacy and good taste, and she can sometimes turn her nose up at anything (or anyone) who doesn’t meet her standards of loveliness.

Mars in Capricorn is the sexy goat king: earthy, grounded and practical. Though this Mars can be reserved, he has an intense sensuality that comes out in private. Since he takes sex just about as seriously as he takes pretty much everything, he’ll devote plenty of time and attention to excelling in bed. Commitment is this Mars’ middle name, so he generally looks for a partner who can go the distance with him, rather than settling for a short-term fling or one night stand.

Venus in Libra appreciates Mars in Capricorn’s traditional nature and is strangely (for her) attracted by his patience and fortitude. Her irritation arises when her desire to socialize and mingle is cramped by his hermit alter ego. Mars in Capricorn can’t resist Venus in Libra’s finesse and charm, but he grows tired of her need for approval and inability to do things alone. When this couple works to understand and accept their innate differences, they are able to renew their appreciation for each other’s uniqueness and breath new life into their relationship.

上一篇:金星天秤女和火星射手男的星座配对   下一篇:金星天秤女和火星水瓶男的星座配对

