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This planet/sign combo plays out as a sort of “glamour girl and jungle mike” adventure story no matter what gender combination is involved. Venus in Libra is the graceful, charming, diplomatic hostess extraordinaire, a lover of all things beautiful, romantic and pleasurable. Spas? Dinner parties? Art? Culture? Yep. All of those things and more, for Venus in Libra thrives on a “cultivated” life, one where the flowers are perfect, the champagne is chilled, the conversation is flowing, and romance is in the air. This Venus attracts by looking good, smelling good and saying just the right thing at just the right time.

Mars in Sagittarius? Well, let’s just say they like it a little more rough. Camping is good, camping in the Australian outback on a two month long, bug-filled, Indiana Jones like quest for meaning (or treasure) is even better. Mars in the sign of the archer thrives on adventure, diversity and exploration. Make them laugh, or even better, laugh at their jokes and you’ve made a friend for life. This Mars pursues and woos using humor, storytelling and death-defying stunts designed to impress and delight.

So what happens when you put these two together? Disaster or delight? Strangely, this combo is actually one where opposites do attract. Mars in Sagitarius loves to amuse, excite and stimulate Venus in Libra, dragging them through the mud and feeding them strange cuisines just to see their reaction. Venus in Libra, rather than being shocked and horrified, is strangely intrigued by Mars in Sagitarius’ sexy ruggedness, appreciating their differences and warmed by Mars’ easy humor. Venus in Libra provides Mars in Sagittarius with an appreciative audience, a sweet-smelling body and a beautiful environment — all things that are nice to return home to after a fun but arduous romp through the jungle.

上一篇:金星天秤女和火星天蝎男的星座配对   下一篇:金星天秤女和火星摩羯男的星座配对

