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Romance and sex: natural partners or contentious enemies? For many of us, the best kind of sex is based on deep feelings of love and affection, forged out of an ongoing connection and a sense of true intimacy with our significant other. But though sex can be deeply romantic and heartbreakingly loving, it can also be funny, messy, athletic, passionate, animalistic and just plain real.

The interaction between Venus in Libra and Mars in Scorpio often raises the question, “What exactly is the relationship between romantic love and lusty passion?” Though the two qualities can seem to naturally go hand in hand, there is sometimes a nub of questioning, or a subtle space between the two that can arise in the most challenging of ways.

Venus placed in the sign of Libra thrives on romance, loving love itself, and reveling in all the elements that go along with romance and relationship: the hearts, the flowers, the give and take between two willing partners. Yet Libra is still an air sign, and so when there is the possibility of anger and conflict in a relationship, there can be a cringing need to try and smooth things over, or to “make nice,” causing Venus in Libra to sacrifice needs and individuality for the sake of the partnership.

Mars in Scorpio, on the other hand, has a driving need to experience sex in a passionate, all-consuming, intensely emotional and somewhat controlling way. This Mars lusts with depth and has a great deal of animal magnetism to attract any number of willing partners. Mars in Scorpio has a strong impulse towards sex, sex, and more sex. This placement simply vibrates along the sex wavelength, whether it’s actually having it, thinking about it, or looking for it. But Mars in this sign may be so consumed with the passion for some action that it can leave out the “niceties,” or delicate rituals of courtship that can engage the heart in more gentle and compassionate ways.

Put these two sign placements together, and you have a great deal of interest and potential for relating, but there may also be some missteps, as this combo figures out what most pleases the other. In the case of Venus in Libra and Mars in Scorpio, a little leather and a little lace may be what it takes to keep the love alive and the sex electric.

上一篇:金星天秤女和火星天秤男的星座配对   下一篇:金星天秤女和火星射手男的星座配对

