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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Gemini: Different needs in romance and partnership can be a source of fascinated attraction, and can also cause plenty of conflicts! Your partner's desire for communication is strong, and you, too, want to connect with a partner. However, your lover places more value on mental stimulation while you value the power of understatement in romance. While your partner delights in having everything defined, you have a hard time making definite statements when it comes to matters of the heart. Both of you are kind, live-and-let-live sorts, and this quality will certainly help the partnership. You also share a certain measure of inconsistency and changeability when it comes to love. The main difference here is your needs in love. You rely on intuition, preferring to keep love on an emotional level. Cornering you for answers, definitions, or analyses of your partnership won't get your lover very far—perhaps only frustrated! Your partner's energy sometimes leaves you unsettled, while your elusiveness can be difficult for him or her to understand. Your partner's playfulness may, at times, unnerve you, as you can be somewhat sensitive, although quite forgiving. What makes sense is to focus on the positive in your pairing—both of you are flexible, intelligent people who are capable of meeting each other's needs as long as love and tolerance are in place.

上一篇:金星双鱼和金星金牛的星座配对   下一篇:金星双鱼和金星巨蟹的星座配对

