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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Taurus: Although you have your differences in the way you express love, this is a fertile and creative combination. Your partner is strong and dependable in relationships—perhaps exactly what you need, at least most of the time! You don't always feel strong, simply because you are a sensitive soul who can be quite impressionable. A solid and steady partner such as your Venus in Taurus lover will help ground you. You are certainly more changeable and flexible when it comes to relationships, and you may view your lover's dependability as both positive and negative at different times, depending on your mood. Sometimes, you might find your lover too be a bit too set in his or her ways. Other times, you will appreciate the predictability and simplicity of your lover's needs in partnership. You can lean on your partner when you feel the need, and that is comforting indeed. Both of you appreciate art, although your tastes can be quite different. Your partner might sometimes complain that you are indecisive or too changeable—moody, perhaps. But if he or she recognizes that your tenderness (something that your lover is sure to value) is an absolute constant, your partner is sure to "overlook" your seemingly inconsistent states of mind. You can complement each other very well.

上一篇:金星双鱼和金星白羊的星座配对   下一篇:金星双鱼和金星双子的星座配对

