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How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Aries: The attraction can be intense at first, but your inherent differences in matters of the heart might get the better of your relationship in the long run. With understanding and patience, however, this partnership can be very rewarding. Your partner is more than likely the one to take the lead in this relationship. You can be somewhat shy and unsure with someone new, but very charming indeed. You possess a dreamy quality that can be very enticing to your Venus in Aries partner. But this very quality that hooks his or her interest in you in the first place, might get your partner impatient once the novelty fades away! Your elusiveness and downright evasiveness at times stands in stark contrast to your partner's style of expressing love—so much so that it could seem completely alien to you both. Your lover is direct and forthright in love, and usually appreciates the same in others. You don't come across in quite so clear terms, and this can confuse your partner. If the love is there, all that is needed is the understanding that you and your partner express love in distinctly different ways. As well, you enjoy understatement in romance, and your partner should understand and respect this quality. His or her bluntness may be appreciated by less sensitive souls, but you may sometimes be put off by a manner that seems far too brusque than necessary. In turn, you should learn to appreciate knowing exactly where you stand with your partner! It might bite sometimes, but it's honest. You have much to offer each other once you get past the matter of differing love "styles".

上一篇:金星水瓶和金星双鱼的星座配对   下一篇:金星双鱼和金星金牛的星座配对

